Through a strategic partnership with the Werner von Braun Center for Advanced Research, NOSSAMAE develops proprietary solutions for Integrated Circuits, Hardware, IT Systems and Applications using the Internet of Things. NOSSAMAE customers have the advantage of having access to IoT solutions for prices that are very close to cost, since they enjoy direct access to companies that manufacture Integrated Circuits and other Hardware solutions necessary for IoT infrastructure.

In addition to providing access to different costs for manufacturing of critical components to the IoT infrastructure based on proprietary semi-conductor designs and IT systems, NOSSAMAE also provides all IT systems, BI applications, and other tools in Backoffice to provide its customers with options to include smart function services for “things.”

NOSSAMAE’s customers have complete independence – from semiconductors to IT/BI systems, with a cheap and robust infrastructure – to operate services related to the Internet of Things, and are thus able to compete with companies supplying automation solutions with one advantage: they are already supplying customers and as a result only serve to add value to contracts they already have, while preventing others from occupying their strategic areas.


NOSSAMAE offers complete systems for Automatic Identification of Vehicles at ETC (electronic Toll Collection), or similar uses.

The NOSSAMAE system allows multiple service operators to work independently and securely on the same installed infrastructure, making all service providers interoperable. NOSSAMAE completely addresses all passive UHF solutions (which do not require a battery to operate), using advanced mechanisms for security and wireless data transmission.

Apart from hardware solutions (in addition to tags and readers), NOSSAMAE vertically handles all systems necessary for Toll Plaza operation (which include not only management of Means of Payment, but also of Vehicle Classification).

Through NOSSAMAE, Companies and Governmental Agencies gain complete access to solutions which facilitate management of systems based on Automatic Vehicle Identification, with access to components at manufacturer’s prices, and not at the integrated systems level, which significantly reduces the implementation costs.


Products are typically prepared using various types of packaging to be transported and handled along the Supply Chain that they form a part of. Many times, the product or packaged item passes along various stages during the distribution process.

Solutions for identification and tracking, connected to the packaging itself, contribute to automation of associated processes are generally provided by specialized companies and facilitate information services or systems relating to objects in production or in transit.

NOSSAMAE believes that companies providing packaging and supplies for the production of goods should be the primary beneficiaries on the valuable information which may be gathered along the supply chain. They should be providers of strategic information that depends on the physical environment which is already present along the Supply Chain.

We work together with these companies, quickly and effectively structuring Advanced Technological Solutions, IT Systems and Applications for packaging and supplies in general to be considered not only as “inanimate matter,” but also as a source of secure information, associated with automation databases of logistical, fiscal, and other processes  (associated with risk, security, etc.)

Companies supplying packaging and supplies can offer strategic information regarding their goods through the Web for the entirety of the Logistical Chain in question, including to end customers. We transform these companies into suppliers of smart packaging and supplies, that is, goods which have meaning, adding significant value to the existing business (NOSSAMAE – Giving Meaning to Everything).


One of the challenges associated with the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of electronic products is the risk of theft or forgery.

The authenticity of electronic products can be guaranteed without fail using NOSSAMAE solutions: by inserting indelible components with wireless communications capability, storing and transmitting information aided by advanced encryption protection.

Besides being a means of automatically linking to applications involved in the tax and logistics processes, these components also operate as smart secure keys that enable the functionality of electronic product only in places of interest, turning stolen or misplaced electronic products into electronic scrap with no market value.

Imagine the possibility of electronic products with microchips that communicate with wireless devices and controllers, offering the ability to disable the product during transport and enable it only in the hands of the end consumer. If stolen or lost, they will only become operable again when they are returned to the Insurance Company or the rightful owner.

With NOSSAMAE platforms, CMs, ODMs and OEMs do not only include features such as unique and indelible electronic identification for electronic products, but also a theft and forgery protection mechanism that makes information available on the cloud, globally, in a way that is safe for shippers, carriers, retailers, risk managers and government tax agencies.


The container market is highly competitive and affected by a fierce battle for service prices. Therefore, if demand is reduced, businesses are directly affected and have little time to respond.

The main advantage offered by containers is the standardization of processes at various stages of worldwide freight transport. However, due to the widespread use of global logistics, there is a great disparity in prices offered for services involving complex logistic chains. In this scenario, even small changes in demand on the part of the end customer can produce significant swings to the business of container companies.

NOSSAMAE is here to redefine the standardization provided by the container, giving companies operating these platforms the opportunity to add services derived directly from the containers themselves, which now have a cloud of secure data associated with each event that passes along the main logistics chain, data that is directly related to automation systems and which provides information on Ports, Highways, Tax Offices and Customs, among other areas of interest along the logistics chain through which the container passes.


1 – For Product Manufacturers:

To get more detailed information about your product and track it through the entire manufacturing, transport, and sale cycle.

2 – For Shipping Companies:

To perform less physical work, less paperwork, and offer greater delivery speed and receipt of goods for transport.

3 – For Stores and Establishments:

To control and track electronic products as they are operated; Automate sales processes.

4 – For Government Agencies:

To enable the creation of electronic checkpoints for merchandise in movement or which is at sales points, avoiding the theft of goods and returning stolen items to the market.

5 – For End Customers:

Receive the product more quickly than before; Have access to advanced support from the manufacturer and the insurance company through the retail store.